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Roman Rite Solemn Pontifical Mass


Roman Rite Solemn Mass celebrated by a Bishop.

Roles and Seating

Those Servers who attend to the Bishop sit near the Cathedra:

All other servers sit in their Choir Stalls.


As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, with:

Order of Mass

Prior to Mass

Introductory Rites


Procession#Long Cloister Walk Procession to Crossing Altar, see Procession#When there is a Bishop.

  • It is important for the Thurifer to time the Procession correctly so that all are in place in front of the Sanctuary when the Introit begins, since everyone will reverence simultaneously.

Reverence to the Altar, Greeting, Penitential Act, Kyrie, Gloria, Collect, Lesson, Gradual

As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:

Acclamation (Alleluia / Tract)

As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:


As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass.


As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass. Likely preached by Bishop Celebrant, if so:

Credo, Universal Prayer

As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass.

The Liturgy of the Eucharist

Offertory, Preface

As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, Acolytes 1 and 2 assist with the Offertory, except:

Sanctus through Great Amen

As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:

Our Father, Rite of Peace, Agnus Dei

As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass.


As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:

  • If desired by those Ministers, Acolytes 1 and 2 hold Patens for the Priests distributing Communion, returning them to the Priests when they are finished.


As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:

Postcommunion Prayer

As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass.

The Concluding Rites


As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass:

  • As all form up for the Recession, the Crozier Bearer and Mitre Bearer should stand off to the side, so as to readily get into position behind the Bishop when appropriate.
  • The Crucifer should line up several pews deep so as to allow all of the Concelebrants and other attendants.
  • The Crucifer should go slowly, to allow the Bishop to bless people along the way.
