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Roman Rite Low Mass

Celebrated at the Crossing Altar with one Server. Sung Mass Server rubrics are identical.


Typically all of the setup will be completed by the Celebrant before Mass.

Order of Mass

Form up in Sacristy, Pre-Mass Prayer with Ministers.


Introit through Collect

Hold Missal during the Collect. Some Celebrants may prefer to have the Missal held for the opening prayers too.

Lesson, Gradual, Epistle

Remain seated. Many Low/Sung Masses will only have one Reading.


Stand when the Celebrant stands. Face South until the Minister to proclaim the Gospel finishes reverencing the Altar. Then turn and face the Ambo.


Stand facing the Ambo.



Creed, Universal Prayer

One or both of these may be omitted. If they are performed, stand. Face South during the Creed, and the direction of whichever Minister is speaking during the Universal Prayer.


See Offertory, especially Offertory#Sung and Low Mass. Depending on the Mass, the cue could be the Celebrant approaching the Altar or Credence Table from the Ambo after the Homily, or the start of an Offertory Chant. The Server must pay close attention.

Preface, Sanctus

Turn to face the Crossing Altar when the Preface starts. Kneel after the Sanctus.

Eucharistic Prayer through Great Amen

Kneel. Ring the bells when appropriate, see Bell Ringer#Roman Rite. Stand after the Great Amen.

Our Father, Rite of Peace, Agnus Dei

Stand facing West.



See Ablutions, especially Ablutions#Sung and Low Mass.

Postcommunion Prayer

Hold Missal for Celebrant when he is ready.


Cue: The Celebrant approaches the Crossing Altar to reverence it: