Epistle and Gospel side Formation
- Celebrant on the Epistle/Gospel side of the High Ambo platform.
- Deacon on the next step to the Celebrant's right/left
- Subdeacon on the next step to the Deacon's right/left
- Senior Acolyte on the next step to the Subdeacon's right/left
- Junior Acolyte on the next step to the Senior Acolyte's right/left
- When Crucifer and Thurifer are present (i.e. during the Credo):
- Acolytes are holding candles
- Crucifer is in between the Acolytes, on the Junior Acolyte's usual step.
- Junior Acolyte is on the Presbytery floor.
- Thurifer is next to the Junior Acolyte, depending on spacing. He is the outside-most person.