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Eucharistic Procession

Procession of the Eucharist in a Monstrance, typically following Mass.

Thy solemn processions are seen, O God, the processions of my God, my King, into the sanctuary the singers in front, the minstrels last, between them maidens playing timbrels.

-- Psalm 68:24-25


Up to 16 roles, can omit / double up some roles if needed.


Transition from Mass

Peoples' Communion

After receiving Communion:


The Host is exposed in a Monstrance:

Postcommunion Prayer

Book Bearer holds Missal as usual. The Dismissal is omitted, so we transition directly into the #Eucharistic Exposition after the Postcommunion Prayer.

Eucharistic Exposition

All gather needed items and form up for the Exposition in the Sanctuary. The Master of Ceremonies directs traffic, particularly for the Concelebrants and other Friars. All face the Eucharist. The order of the formation allows a seamless transition to the procession.


From furthest from the Altar to closest:

  1. Celebrant and Deacons: Centered at the foot of the High Altar.
  2. Torch bearers 1 and 3: kneeling on the first step of the High Altar centered in the black rectangles.
  3. Thurifer 1 and Boat Bearer: Behind the Epistle side Torch bearer, waiting to Impose Incense.
  4. Thurifer 2, Umbrellino Bearer, Master of Ceremonies: Kneeling in Presbytery off to the Epistle side, in the area between the Sedilia and the Polychrome Candle.
  5. Concelebrants and other Friars in choir dress: Will likely stay in their Choir Stalls.
  6. Crucifer, flanked by two Candle bearers: Between Choir Stalls#Low and Ambo, standing, facing the Eucharist.


Transition to Procession


Stational Altars

If there are any stops to Stational Altars along the way, the details will depend on the particular altar. In general:

End of Procession


As usual, with Thurifer 1 and Boat Bearer as at Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.


Servers exit in silence through Sacristy or in most dignified and least interruptive way. Items that belong at a different church are taken back.


  1. These join the procession outdoors upon leaving SVF