Eucharistic Procession
Procession of the Eucharist in a Monstrance, typically following Mass.
Thy solemn processions are seen, O God, the processions of my God, my King, into the sanctuary the singers in front, the minstrels last, between them maidens playing timbrels.
-- Psalm 68:24-25
Up to 16 roles, can omit / double up some roles if needed.
- Master of Ceremonies
- Crucifer
- Candle bearer 1
- Candle bearer 2
- Thurifer 1
- Thurifer 2
- Boat Bearer
- Umbrellino Bearer
- Torch bearers 1
- Torch bearers 2
- Torch bearers 3
- Torch bearers 4
- 4 Canopy bearers, these need not be vested Servers.
- Some number of Banner bearers, these are not vested Servers.
- Presbytery#Niche:
- Monstrance.
- Thabor.
- Humeral Veil.
- Umbrellino (nearby).
- Copes for Celebrant and Concelebrants on Choir Stalls near Celebrant's seat.
- Wind guards on two of the Processional Candles, which are nearby but not lit for Mass.
- Thurible Stand:
- One Thurible, lit as usual.
- A second Thurible (brought from SCS) and placed on the Thurible Stand, unlit but with charcoals.
- Extra Incense Boat, both filled with Incense.
- Fanny pack or similar for Boat Bearer with extra charcoal, tongs, lighter, etc.
Transition from Mass¶
Peoples' Communion¶
After receiving Communion:
- The High Altar is prepared as at Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, with the Monstrance and Thabor, but no booklets or Candelabrae.
The Host is exposed in a Monstrance:
- Acolytes do as at Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament#Ablutions.
- Thurifer 1 adds charcoal to the Thurible that was used for Mass.
- Thurifer 2 lights the charcoal of the other Thurible.
- Boat Bearer dons his fanny pack and switches to the full Incense Boat.
- Candle bearer 1 lights the Processional Candles with the wind guards, and extinguishes the others.
- Free Servers help the Celebrant and Concelebrants change into Copes (Deacons remain in [[Dalmatic]]s).
Postcommunion Prayer¶
Book Bearer holds Missal as usual. The Dismissal is omitted, so we transition directly into the #Eucharistic Exposition after the Postcommunion Prayer.
Eucharistic Exposition¶
All gather needed items and form up for the Exposition in the Sanctuary. The Master of Ceremonies directs traffic, particularly for the Concelebrants and other Friars. All face the Eucharist. The order of the formation allows a seamless transition to the procession.
From furthest from the Altar to closest:
- Celebrant and Deacons: Centered at the foot of the High Altar.
- Torch bearers 1 and 3: kneeling on the first step of the High Altar centered in the black rectangles.
- Thurifer 1 and Boat Bearer: Behind the Epistle side Torch bearer, waiting to Impose Incense.
- Thurifer 2, Umbrellino Bearer, Master of Ceremonies: Kneeling in Presbytery off to the Epistle side, in the area between the Sedilia and the Polychrome Candle.
- Concelebrants and other Friars in choir dress: Will likely stay in their Choir Stalls.
- Crucifer, flanked by two Candle bearers: Between Choir Stalls#Low and Ambo, standing, facing the Eucharist.
- Thurifer 1 and Boat Bearer assist with Imposition of Incense#Celebrant.
- Thurifer 1 and Boat Bearer join Thurifer 2, Master of Ceremonies, and Umbrellino Bearer and kneel.
- After Incensation:
- Thurifer 1 stands, retrieves the Thurible, and returns to position.
- Master of Ceremonies helps the Celebrant don the Humeral Veil.
Transition to Procession¶
- When Celebrant takes the Eucharist, all stand.
- Crucifer and Candle bearers move to center, in the Sanctuary East of the Crossing Altar.
- When Celebrant gets to the foot of the High Altar, Torch bearers converge on Celebrant, forming around him so that each Torch is the corner of a square, and the Celebrant is in the middle (or if only two Torches, in a line).
- Umbrellino Bearer opens Umbrellino and follows the [[Eucharist]].
- Thurifers and Boat Bearer precede Celebrant, incensing the Eucharist continually.
- Master of Ceremonies directs Clergy and those in Choir Dress to file into formation between the Processional Crucifix and the Eucharist, then he forms up behind the Umbrellino Bearer.
- When the formation is complete, Crucifer and Candle bearers turn and lead the formation down the main aisle and through the route.
- Schola Cantorum fills in behind when there is room.
- Order: see Order of Participants in a Eucharistic Procession#Order.
- Formation is maintained as all Process.
- Crucifer sets the pace, communicates with law enforcement to navigate streets, and follows the route.
- Thurifers take turns walking backward to incense the Eucharist. Boat Bearer assists with charcoal and Imposition of Incense.
- Master of Ceremonies nominally follows behind the Eucharist formation, but may break formation to direct traffic.
- When the Celebrant leaves a building:
- The Canopy bearers open and bear the Canopy over the Celebrant.
- Umbrellino Bearer closes the Umbrellino and follows behind.
- Torch bearers process outside of the Canopy. If four, one at each corner of the Canopy. If two, in a horizontal line with the Eucharist at the center, but outside of the Canopy itself.
- When the Celebrant enters a building:
- Canopy is taken away, and Canopy bearers remain near the building entrance.
- Umbrellino Bearer follows with open Umbrellino.
- Torch bearers make as a square (or if two, a line).
- Master of Ceremonies may break formation to enter building first ahead of Crucifer and direct traffic.
Stational Altars¶
If there are any stops to Stational Altars along the way, the details will depend on the particular altar. In general:
- Enter the church in order, and switch from Canopy to Umbrellino.
- Proceed up the main aisle toward the altar.
- Those ahead of the Eucharist in the Procession split to Epistle side, entering or forming up outside of the Sanctuary as is appropriate.
- Torch bearers:
- If a short station (i.e. just Benediction): split in pairs to either side, and plant the Torches for Benediction.
- For longer stations (i.e. preaching and Benediction): Stand/sit/kneel with the Congregation on the Epistle side with the other Servers. When it is time for Benediction, approach the altar with the Celebrant and kneel for Benediction.
- Master of Ceremonies assists with Humeral Veil and directs traffic.
- A Thurifer and the Boat Bearer assist with incense at Benediction when appropriate.
- To leave, everyone forms up and leaves the station, continuing on the route.
End of Procession¶
- Crucifer and Candle bearers enter Sanctuary and stand off to the side, facing in.
- Concelebrants and Friars file into Choir Stalls or pews.
- Thurifer 1, Boat Bearer, Torch bearers precede/flank the Eucharist to the foot of the High Altar, then enter the formation as at #Formation.
- Thurifer 2 deposits Thurible if possible, and files into Choir Stalls.
- Umbrellino Bearer attends with Umbrellino until Monstrance is set down, then closes Umbrellino and files into Choir Stalls.
- Master of Ceremonies helps with Humeral Veil, then files into Choir Stalls.
As usual, with Thurifer 1 and Boat Bearer as at Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Servers exit in silence through Sacristy or in most dignified and least interruptive way. Items that belong at a different church are taken back.
- CEfS > The Eucharistic Procession
- Order of Participants in a Eucharistic Procession
- Guidelines for the Worship of the Eucharist Outside of Mass
- [[Ceremonial of Bishops]]
- [[Holy Communion and the Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass]]