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The Offertory is the part of Mass at which the Altar is prepared for the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Celebrant offers the gifts of bread and wine.

Roman Rite

In the [[Roman Rite]], the Offertory occurs immediately after the Universal Prayer, or the Creed if the Universal Prayer is omitted, or the Homily, if both are omitted.


If there is an Offertory Chant, Servers with duties stand in place in the Choir Stalls until it begins1. Then, Servers work out of Standby Formation2:

If there is no Deacon

If there is no Deacon, the Servers are responsible for all parts of the Offertory not performed by the Celebrant.

  1. Items are brought to the Altar:
  2. Other items brought to and taken from the Altar:
  3. The Celebrant offers the bread on the Paten.
  4. The Acolytes assist the Celebrant with preparing the Chalice:
  5. The Thurifer assists with the Incensation:
  6. The Acolytes assist with the Lavabo:
  7. All return to Choir Stalls and stand.

If there is a Deacon

If there is a Deacon, he will perform some of the duties the Celebrant and Servers would otherwise perform9. Notably:

Sung and Low Mass

For Roman Rite Sung Mass and Roman Rite Low Mass, the rubrics are identical, except:

  1. See: GIRM > par. 139

  2. See Standby Formation for differences between the High Altar and Crossing Altar

  3. See: GIRM > par. 72, 178. Also, when a Deacon is not present, GIRM > par. 139, 190 specifically say that a lay minister moves the Chalice Stack to the altar, and that he places the Corporal and Purificator, and Pall. (I would prefer we didn't do this). #liturgy-todo 

  4. See: GIRM > par. 142

  5. Some churches have the people bring up the gifts, but this is optional, see: GIRM > par. 73, 190

  6. See: GIRM > par. 75, 144, 178, 190

  7. See: GIRM > par. 76, 145

  8. Center-left-right is the [[Roman Rite]] tradition. I think the #dominican Custom is to do Center-center-center. Should we do that instead? #liturgy-todo. 

  9. The Acolytes should pay attention even if a Deacon is present. For example, if the Deacon does not bring the Chalice Stack to the Altar, the Acolyte should do it instead.