Standard Genuflection¶
From a standing position with both feet together, move the right foot back and bend the knees so that the right knee touches the ground. Keep the body upright from the waist up. Return to a standing position.
- When reverencing the Eucharist in a Tabernacle.
- When reverencing the Eucharist when it is being transported to and from the Tabernacle in a Ciborium.
- When leaving the foot of the Altar immediately following the Consecration or Great Amen.
Solemn Genuflection¶
Make a #Standard Genuflection, then bring the left knee down to the ground so as to be kneeling on both knees. Bow at the head and waist while kneeling. Return the upper body to the upright position and stand.
- When reverencing the Eucharist outside of a liturgy when it is exposed.
Pontifical Genuflection¶
Like a #Standard Genuflection, but with the legs reversed, so as to kneel on the left knee.
- When kneeling before a Bishop to kiss his ring, wash his hands, etc.