Sacred Heart¶
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Celebrated Friday after the second Sunday after Pentecost Sunday.
- Roman Rite Solemn Mass at the High Altar at SVF.
- Procession to the Sacred Heart Altar in the Holy Name Chapel.
- Thurifer
- Crucifer, Book Bearer, Bell Ringer
- Acolyte 1, Lucifer 1
- Acolyte 2, Lucifer 2
Roman Rite Solemn Mass at the High Altar#Preparation, with:
- High Altar#Angel Candles lit.
- Sacred Heart Altar candles lit.
- Remind Celebrant he needs the Lapel Mic.
Order of Mass¶
Roman Rite Solemn Mass at the High Altar as usual.
- Gloria and Credo are both sung.
- Gospel is proclaimed from the High Ambo.
All Servers go to Passageway after the Postcommunion Prayer.
- Cue: Let us proceed in peace. In the name of Christ, Amen.
- Thurifer Imposes Incense at the stand and readies the Thurible and Incense Boat.
- Crucifer readies the Processional Crucifix, Lucifers ready the Processional Candles.
- When the Celebrant enters the Presbytery to reverence the Altar, Servers form up at the foot of the Presbytery. Wait for Celebrant to descend the High Altar. All reverence the Altar with the Celebrant.
- Turn and start the procession.
- Through the Sanctuary, around the Crossing Altar (right side), out the Sanctuary.
- Do not stop to reverence the Altar upon leaving the Sanctuary.
- West down the main aisle.
- Turn left, South toward Holy Name Chapel.
- Station: Sacred Heart Altar in the Holy Name Chapel.
- Exit Holy Name Chapel, turn right and head East.
- Turn right and exit through the Lourde's Door.
At the station¶
- All Servers, Celebrant, and Deacon enter the Holy Name Chapel. Schola Cantorum waits outside.
- Crucifer and Candle bearers break off to the right side and face inward.
- Thurifer assists the Celebrant with incensing the Altar.
- Standby while the Celebrant prays.