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Corpus Christi

The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.


Servers will clean everything up at the start of Holy Hour. Returning to SCS for the rest of Holy Hour and Benediction is optional; we will not serve either.


#Mass and #Eucharistic Procession:


SVF, Roman Rite Solemn Mass#Preparation as usual, except:

SCS (Parochial Vicar of SCS will do this, servers don't have to):


Entrance Procession

Introductory Rites through Epistle

As usual.


The Alleluia is followed by a sung Sequence. The Gospel Procession should not begin until part way through the Sequence, at "Dogma datur Christianis". Otherwise as usual.

Gospel, Homily, Credo, Universal Prayer, Offertory

As usual, except the Sacred Heart Novena is said after the Universal Prayer.

Eucharistic Prayer

Pater Noster through Agnus Dei

As usual.

Peoples' Communion

See Eucharistic Procession#Peoples' Communion.


See Eucharistic Procession#Ablutions.

Postcommunion Prayer

See Eucharistic Procession#Postcommunion Prayer.

Eucharistic Procession

See Eucharistic Procession.


Three Stations along this route:

  1. Altar in Holy Name Chapel
  2. St. John Nepomucene Church
    • Pastor of St. John Nepomucene will give a short homily.
    • One or more hymns may be sung.
    • Benediction is given.
  3. SCS


  • Down the main aisle.
  • Turn left, South into Holy Name Chapel.
  • First Station at the Holy Name Chapel Altar.
  • Form up, head North toward 66th St.
  • Turn left into Narthex.
  • Turn right, exit 66th St. door.
  • Turn left (and left again), South down Lexington Avenue.
  • Turn left, East across 65th St.
  • Turn left, North up 1st Ave.
  • Turn right, East into St. John Nepomucene Church and up the main aisle.
  • Second Station at St. John Nepomucene Church.
  • Form up, head West out of St. John Nepomucene Church.
  • Turn right, North up 1st Ave.
  • Turn right, East onto 68th St.
  • Turn left into front entrance of SCS and up main aisle.
  • Third Station at SCS.



Servers all exit the Sanctuary silently through the back into the Sacristy.

Bring SVFs liturgical items back:


SCS's parochial vicar will do the Benediction without server assistance.
