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Trinity Sunday

The Most Holy Trinity.



Order of Mass

Procession through Dismissal

As usual, except:

  • Thurifer adds extra charcoal during the Ablutions.


  • Holy God we Praise They Name is sung instead of a Marian hymn.
  • Crucifer and Lucifers form up at the foot of the altar as usual.
  • Thurifer charges the Thurible, in order to "smoke out the church with as much incense as possible"1. Then he lines up in the main aisle, West of the Crucifer2.
  • Everyone stands there for the duration of the hymn.


  1. According to a 2023 email from Fr. Reginald. 

  2. In 2023, the Thurifer lined up with the Celebrant and Deacon across the front of the Sanctuary, outside the Deacon