Pentecost Vigil¶
The Vigil Mass of Pentecost.
- Beginning with lowest Church Lights setting, at the #Gloria the full Church Lights setting is turned on.
- There is no Processional Hymn, so the short entrance is used.
- Lit Hand Candles are used during the Introductory Rites and the #General Renewal of Baptismal Promises.
- #Sacramental Rites.
- [[Credo]] is omitted (due to the #General Renewal of Baptismal Promises).
- A Pentecost-specific variant of Eucharistic Prayer I is used1.
- Those who received Baptism, Confirmation, or who were received into the Church, receive #Communion immediately after the Priests, before the Altar Servers and the rest of the congregation.
- Double Alleluia is used at the dismissal, to mirror that of Easter1.
- Master of Ceremonies, Boat Bearer
- Thurifer
- Crucifer, Book Bearer 1 (Missal), Bell Ringer
- Acolyte 1, Candle bearer 1, Torch bearer 1
- Acolyte 2, Candle bearer 2, Torch bearer 2
- Torch bearer 3, Oil Bearer, Garment Bearer, Holy Water Bearer.
- Torch bearer 4, Book Bearer 2 (Ritual)
As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:
- Church Lights set to lowest setting that isn't complete darkness.
- High Altar#Angel Candles lit.
- Credence Table:
- [[Chrism]] & finger towel.
- Citrus, bread.
- Bowl of water with hand soap and towels.
- Paten.
- Ritual near Book Bearer 2's seat.
- Baptismal Font:
- Aspersorium
- [[Golden Shell]]
- Second Credence Table in front of the High Ambo:
- Baptismal Candles
- Baptismal Garments
- Towels
- Taper
- Hand Candles placed at Servers and Ministers seats.
- Baskets of Hand Candles placed at all entrances.
- 10 minutes before Mass starts, Altar Servers go into the main church to light the peoples' Hand Candles.
Order of Mass¶
Procession through Kyrie¶
There is no Processional Hymn, so the Procession#Short Cloister Walk Procession to Crossing Altar is used. Ministers and otherwise empty-handed Servers carry lit Hand Candles.
Introductory Rites, Kyrie¶
Book Bearer holds the Missal for the Introductory Rites. Kyrie is as normal.
There is an introductory Collect, then four lessons each with its own Alleluia and Collect.
- Book Bearer bears book for each Collect.
- Candle bearer 1 gets in place in the Sacristy at the beginning of the fourth reading in anticipation of the Gloria.
When the Celebrant finishes intoning the Gloria, Candle bearer 1 turns the Church Lights on their Solemn Mass setting. He remains in the Passageway until the start of the Epistle, then returns to his seat, Reverencing the Tabernacle along the way.
Epistle through Homily¶
As normal.
Sacramental Rites¶
After the Homily, the Celebrant will sit for a moment to recollect. When he stands, Book Bearer 2 holds the Ritual for the prayer introducing the Sacramental Rites.
Exorcisms and Anointing¶
- Book Bearer 2 leads the Celebrant to the front of the Sanctuary, in front of the Crossing Altar.
- Oil Bearer joins them, bringing the Oil of Catechumens and a Purificator.
- The Celebrant calls forth the catechumen(s), prays the exorcisms, and then anoints each catechumen, attended by the Oil Bearer and Book Bearer 2.
Litany of Saints Procession¶
Process to the Baptismal Font. The Celebrant, Book Bearer 2, and Oil Bearer stay in place, and join the procession as it passes them.
Cue: Schola Cantorum starts the Litany.
- Candle bearer 1, Crucifer, Candle bearer 2, with Processional Crucifix and Processional Candles
- Garment Bearer, Book Bearer 2 (holding Ritual)
- Other Servers in pairs, MC at the end
- Catechumens and sponsors
- Celebrant
- Out of Sanctuary and West down main aisle.
- Turn right and North toward 66th Street.
- Turn right and East toward Rosary Altar.
- Turn right and South.
Pace: very slow.
Form up near Baptismal Font:
- Crucifer and Candle bearers in front of the Rosary Altar.
- Other Servers line up across the front of the Ambo.
Baptismal Liturgy¶
Garment Bearer and Book Bearer 2 assist with Baptism:
- Book Bearer 2 holds the Ritual.
- Garment Bearer, assisted by other Servers if needed:
- Bring towel(s) to sponsor(s) after each Baptism.
- Assist sponsor(s) with helping newly Baptized don Baptismal garments.
- Provide Baptismal candles to sponsors to be lit.
- MC:
- Light Taper from Paschal Candle and give to Deacon (or if not present, Celebrant) for lighting the Baptismal candles.
- Collect Taper, snuff it, and put it away.
- Other Servers standby.
General Renewal of Baptismal Promises¶
After the Baptisms but before the general Renewal of Baptismal Promises:
- All Servers other than the Crucifer, Candle bearers, and Book Bearer 2 take up Hand Candles, light them, go down the aisles lighting the peoples' Hand Candles, then return to their places.
- Book Bearer 2 holds Ritual for renewal of Baptismal Promises.
Aspersion Rite¶
Process back to the Sanctuary. Same order as #Litany of Saints Procession.
- Holy Water Bearer gives Aspersorium to Deacon.
- If no Deacon is present, Holy Water Bearer walks to Celebrant's right, holding Aspersorium and his Chasuble.
- Otherwise empty-handed Servers carry lit Hand Candles.
- Continue South toward 65th Street. Do not stop to Reverence.
- Turn right down the 65th Street aisle head and West toward the Holy Name Chapel.
- Turn right and head North toward the main aisle.
- Turn right down main aisle and head East to the Sanctuary.
The newly-baptized and their sponsors will have returned to their seats along the way.
Upon reaching the foot of the Sanctuary:
- Crucifer and Candle bearers Reverence, enter the Sanctuary, deposit their items, and return to their seats.
- Book Bearer 2 waits off the the North side at the foot of the Sanctuary, and holds the Ritual for the Celebrant at the front of the Sanctuary.
- Holy Water Bearer receives Aspersorium from Deacon, deposits it, and stands by near the Ambo.
- Oil Bearer enters the Sanctuary, retrieves Chrism and hand towel, and stands by near the Ambo.
- MC stands by near the Ambo.
- Other Servers Reverence, enter the Sanctuary, and return to the Choir Stalls.
Rite of Reception¶
Book Bearer 2 holds the Ritual. Others standby.
Rite of Confirmation¶
After the #Rite of Reception, the Oil Bearer gives the [[Chrism]] to the Deacon (or if there is no Deacon, attends the Celebrant with the [[Chrism]]).
After the Rite, Celebrant, Deacon, and Servers return to their places in the Sanctuary, putting any items away.
Universal Prayer through Preface¶
[[Credo]] is omitted, otherwise as usual.
- At Sanctus, six Servers line up at the foot of the altar, see Eucharistic Prayer#Formation.
- If Eucharistic Prayer 1 is used, Boat Bearer assists Thurifer in imposing more incense shortly before the Epiclesis. Cue: Celebrant starts listing saints' names.
Eucharistic Prayer through Agnus Dei¶
As usual.
A Server holds a Paten for those who received Sacraments. They receive Communion before the Servers.
Ablutions through Recession¶
As usual.
See CotLY > 326. ↩↩