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Easter Vigil

The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night.


Roman Rite Solemn Mass with:



As for Roman Rite Solemn Mass#Preparation, except:

Order of Mass


Mass will start when everyone is in place near the firepit on 66th Street near the Rosary Altar entrance. All of the Servers, Ministers, and Schola Cantorum should go there in an orderly fashion, holding what they need for the #Lucernarium:

Form up:


Service of Light.

Mass begins when the Celebrant starts the prayers.

Blessing of Fire and Preparation of the Candle



Liturgy of the Word

Extinguish Hand Candles when the pamphlet says to / when the Celebrant does.


Book Bearer 1 bears Missal for the greeting and the introduction of the readings. He then bears it for the prayers following each psalm after each reading. All other Servers remain in Choir Stalls#Low, sitting/standing at the appropriate times.

Before the Gloria:


During the Gloria, one team of Servers lights candles, another rings Hand Bells.


Other Servers light candles and turn on Church Lights. There are many candles. This should be done quickly, though still in a dignified manner. The goal is to finish lighting everything and for Servers to be back to their seats before the sung Gloria ends.

When Gloria is intoned:


Book Bearer 1 bears book.

Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia, Gospel, Homily

Same as usual, except:

Baptismal Liturgy

Christian initiation and the blessing of the font.

After the Homily when the Celebrant stands, the Servers all go directly to the Baptismal font, and stand in two lines under the High Ambo. See #Order to know what to carry. The Celebrant calls forth the Baptismandi, and the procession starts.


Litany of the Saints is sung during procession.


Master of Ceremonies may have to help direct the Baptismandi.

  • Baptismandi and their godparents should fill in from their pews in pairs and join the procession.
  • Turn right, head South across the back of the church.
  • Turn right, head East toward the Rosary Altar.
  • Turn right, head to the Baptismal Font.
  • Servers stand between Baptismal Font and Sanctuary, out of the way, while others file in and when not needed.
Blessing of Water

Book Bearer 1 bears Missal during Blessing of Water. When finished, he gets out of the way.

Renewal of Baptismal Promises

Profession of Faith

Book Bearer 2 bears the Ritual.


When finished, all Servers and Ministers return to Sanctuary by the shortest path.

Universal Prayer

[[Credo]] omitted, due to #Renewal of Baptismal Promises.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Offertory, Preface, Sanctus, Eucharistic Prayer, Great Amen


Postcommunion Prayer, Recession

As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass. Two Alleluias are added to the dismissal prayer.

  1. The Roman Missal says not to do this until the Paschal Candle is lit, but if we do that, then the coals won't be properly lit for the procession.