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Good Friday

Celebration of Our Lord's Passion.


Communion Service, with #Adoration of the Holy Cross.



Order of Liturgy


All Servers except Candle bearers start in Choir Stalls#Low.

Opening Prayers

Book Bearer attends with Missal immediately for the whole opening sequence.

Readings, Gradual, Tract, Gospel, Homily

As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:

  • There is no Gospel Procession, using neither Processional Candles nor incense.
  • During the Tract, an Acolyte places the [[Hockey Puck Mic]] on the Altar, unmutes it, and returns to his Choir Stall.
  • All kneel at the appropriate time during the Gospel.
  • When the Gospel is finished, an Acolyte mutes the [[Hockey Puck Mic]] and returns it to the Credence Table.

Solemn Intercessions

  • Book Bearer holds the Missal for the Solemn Intercessions, which the Priest reads at his seat, and another friar reads from the Gospel side lectern.
  • All Servers, except the Book Bearer, kneel/stand at Let us kneel/Let us stand. Book Bearer steps back at these times to allow the Priest and Deacon to kneel, then steps forward again when they stand.

Adoration of the Holy Cross

Immediately following the #Solemn Intercessions:


Candle bearers flank Veneration Crucifix with Processional Candles.

Friars' Veneration

Friars venerate the Veneration Crucifix in pairs, making three Genuflection#Solemn Genuflection along the way. All Servers other than Candle bearers standby, seated in the Choir Stalls.

Peoples' Veneration

Begins after the last friar has venerated the Veneration Crucifix.


Prayer after Communion and Prayer over the People

Book Bearer bears Missal.




  1. TODO My notes from 2023 say this is done is pairs, but in 2024 they did it single file.