Holy Thursday¶
Holy Thursday of the Lord's Supper.
TODO differentiate humeral veil bearer /umbrellino bearer / MC, they cannot all be the same; the umbrellino bearer cannot light the sanctuary lamp
Roman Rite Solemn Mass with:
- Many Concelebrants, as this is the only Mass in the entire Parish this day.
- Hand Bells during the #Gloria.
- #Washing of Feet
- Crotalus instead of Hand Bells during the #Eucharistic Prayer.
- #Procession of the Blessed Sacrament
- #Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament
The Tabernacle starts empty. Servers should take care to make the correct Reverence.
Six-ten Servers. For eight, consolidate Acolyte 1 (2) with Torch bearer 1 (2). For six, consolidate Boat Bearer with Torch bearer 3, and Master of Ceremonies with Torch bearer 4.
- Master of Ceremonies, Umbrellino Bearer
- Crucifer, Book Bearer, Crotalus clapper
- Thurifer 1
- Boat Bearer, Thurifer 2
- Acolyte 1, Candle bearer 1, [[Washing Assistant]] 1
- Acolyte 2, Candle bearer 2, [[Washing Assistant]] 2
- Torch bearer 1, Oil Bearer
- Torch bearer 2
- Torch bearer 3
- Torch bearer 4
- [[Chair Mover]] 1
- [[Chair Mover]] 2
- [[Chair Mover]] 3
- [[Chair Mover]] 4
As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:
- All unbleached candles replaced with bleached ones.
- Processional Crucifix veiled in white.
- Crossing Altar:
- Crossing Altar#Crucifix is veiled in white.
- Small table for reception of Holy Oils in front of Crossing Altar.
- High Altar#Candles lit.
- High Altar#Angel Candles removed to Cloister Walk, since it's impractical to get at them when stripping the Altar.
- White Humeral Veil accessible for the #Procession of the Blessed Sacrament, near Credence Table.
- Credence Table:
- Second table for overflow.
- Folded towels, one per friar getting his feet washed.
- Large ewer of water and basin.
- Second basin with soap and water.
- Gremial, Amice, Apron, or equivalent. (CotLY#202) Alternatively, near the Celebrant's seat.
- One Thurible and full Incense Boat near Thurible Stand, lit before Mass. Blowtorch, extra coals, tongs, etc. nearby.
- Second Thurible unlit, on Thurible Stand. Second Incense Boat under Credence Table.
- Hand Candle placed at each Concelebrant's seat.
- Seats for the #Washing of Feet, lined up in front of the frontmost pew. One per friar getting his feat washed.
- Crotalus in Choir Stalls with Hand Bells.
- Tabernacle empty, open, and unveiled.
- Altar of repose (Rosary Altar). All candles start unlit:
- Four or Six altar candles unlit.
- White linens.
- Corporal in front of open Tabernacle.
- Four Torches with plenty of oil, placed two on either side, and two in the front.
- Other Candelabra arranged appropriately on the ground and Rosary Altar.
- Blue globe switched out for red, with unlit candle. This will serve as the Sanctuary Lamp.
- Rosary Altar pews with reserved signs.
Order of Mass¶
Procession, Introit¶
As normal for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:
- The Servers are followed by three RCIA students carrying the Holy Oils, then the Schola Cantorum, then the Ministers.
- Reverence and enter the Sanctuary immediately; do not halt to wait for the [[Introit]] to begin.
- The Celebrant will receive the Holy Oils from the laity and place them on a small table in front of the Crossing Altar.
- Thurifer / Boat Bearer assist with incensation as usual. Celebrant incenses the Holy Oils in addition to the Crossing Altar.
Reception of the Holy Oils¶
- Book Bearer holds the Ritual for the Celebrant at his chair.
- After the explanation, the Holy Oils are transferred:
- Concelebrants take Holy Oils to the Ambry and return to their seats.
- Oil Bearer takes the table the Holy Oils were on and places it next to the Credence Table, then returns to his seat.
Penitential Rite¶
As normal.
As many servers as we have Hand Bells ring Hand Bells during the Gloria:
- When ringing, do so continuously, it is fine to ring while sitting and while standing, mirror the posture of the Celebrant.
- Master of Ceremonies should help cue the Servers for bell ringing.
- Start ringing:
- Cue: End of Gloria in excelsis Deo, and Schola Cantorum starts singing.
- Stop ringing:
- Cue: End of et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Also, the back organ will come in very loudly.
- Silence until the next cue.
- Start ringing:
- Cue: End of Quoniam tu solus Sanctus, again, the back organ will come in very loudly.
- Continue Ringing bells all the way through the end of the Gloria, through the end of the Amen at the end of it, then stop.
This is the last use of a bell in the church until the Gloria of the Easter Vigil.
Collect, Reading, Gradual, Reading¶
As normal.
Tract, Gospel, Homily¶
As normal, including usual procession with Processional Candles and Thurifer.
Washing of Feet¶
- If needed, [[Washing Assistant]]s 1 and 2 help Celebrant change: remove his Chasuble and drape it on the Choir Stalls nearby, then help him don the Apron.
- [[Chair Mover]]s arrange the chairs for those whose feet is to be washed:
- File to the foot of the Altar in a single file line. All Reverence together.
- Arrange the chairs: On the top step of the Sanctuary, facing out, in three sections, North, West, and South of the Crossing Altar. If there are few friars to be washed, all should be in one section West of the Crossing Altar.
- Form up and Reverence again. Then move in a single file line to standby in a line under the High Ambo, facing West.
- If needed, Master of Ceremonies helps guide friars to their seats.
- [[Washing Assistant]]s 1 and 2 bring the Basin and Ewer to the Celebrant, towels to the Deacon.
- During the washing:
- [[Washing Assistant]] 1 moves basin.
- [[Washing Assistant]] 2 assists with moving the Ewer and, if needed, the towels.
- After the washing is complete and the washed friars rise:
- [[Washing Assistant]]s take the Basin, Ewer, and towels, and return them to the Credence Table.
- [[Chair Mover]]s move the chairs back to where they started. Move in a single file line to the foot of the Sanctuary, Reverence together, return the chairs, form up and Reverence again, then return to Choir Stalls in a single-file line.
- Acolytes 1 and 2 Lavabo the Celebrant at his seat1.
- If needed, [[Washing Assistant]]s help the Celebrant remove his Apron, stow it, retrieve the Chasuble, and help Celebrant don it after the Lavabo.
Universal Prayer, Offertory, Preface¶
The Credo is not said1. Otherwise all as for Roman Rite Solemn Mass.
Sanctus through Great Amen¶
- At Sanctus, six Servers line up at the foot of the altar, see Eucharistic Prayer#Formation.
- If Eucharistic Prayer 1 is used:
- N.B. there are variations on the usual words2.
- Boat Bearer assists Thurifer in imposing more incense shortly before the Epiclesis. Cue: Celebrant starts listing saints' names.
- Crotalus Clapper uses Crotalus instead of Hand Bells, making noise three times at each elevation, and not at the Epiclesis.
- After the Great Amen, when returning Torches to their stands, Torch bearers extinguish torches.
During the Celebrant's Communion:
- Do not clap the Crotalus.
During the peoples' Communion:
- Thurifers light the second Thurible and add coals to the first.
- Torch bearers 1 and 2 prepare the Altar of Repose3 after Communion at that station is complete:
- Relight the Torches.
- Light all the candles on the Rosary Altar.
- Light all of the candelabrae.
- Do not light the red globe at this time.
- If all cannot be lit before the #Postcommunion prayer starts, stop lighting and take up the Torches.
As usual, except:
- The Celebrant may sit and allow the Concelebrants and Deacon to perform the Ablutions. If so, Acolytes wash his hands at his seat4.
- One veiled Ciborium will remain on the Crossing Altar on a Corporal5:
- An Acolyte removes the Crossing Altar Crucifix and stows it in the Choir Stalls.
- The Corporal should be moved by the Celebrant to the center or even East side of Stations of the Cross for the incensation. If he forgets or puts the Corporal away, place another one from the Burse onto that side of Crossing Altar.
- Just before the #Postcommunion prayer:
- Torch bearers retrieve Torches, and standby in front of the Rosary Altar.
- MC lights a Taper and stands by.
Postcommunion prayer¶
As usual, Book Bearer bearing Missal, except:
- There may be a hymn before the prayer. See pamphlet.
- Blessing and dismissal are omitted.
- Immediately following the Postcommunion Prayer, MC lights the Concelebrants' Hand Candles, and all form up for the #Procession of the Blessed Sacrament.
Procession of the Blessed Sacrament¶
- Form up:
- Candle bearer 1, Crucifer, Candle bearer 2, with Processional Candles and Processional Crucifix, form up in the main aisle, as is usual at the end of Mass. Face the Crossing Altar.
- Thurifers lead Celebrant to foot of the Crossing Altar, swinging around him so as to both end up on his right (South) side, in a line.
- Torch bearers 1-4 flank either side of Celebrant / Deacon / Thurifers at the foot of the Crossing Altar, kneeling (but not planting Torches) when appropriate.
- Umbrellino Bearer stands to the side of the Sanctuary with the Humeral Veil at the ready.
- Reverence:
- Both Thurifers approach Celebrant to impose incense in both Thuribles.
- Thurifer 1 assists Celebrant with incense.
- All (except Candle bearers and Crucifer) kneel with the Celebrant while he incenses.
- When the Celebrant returns the Thurible, the MC assists him in donning the Humeral Veil, and then retrieves the Umbrellino.
- Procession:
- Schola Cantorum, Clergy, and Religious file into the aisle.
- Crucifer and Candle bearers turn and lead the procession, the Pange, Lingua is sung.
- Cue to start: Schola Cantorum is in the main aisle and approaching.
- Crucifer sets a slow pace. He should attempt to reach the foot of the Rosary Altar between Verbum caro and Christus merum.
- Schola Cantorum, Religious, and Concelebrants follow in pairs.
- Thurifers are immediately in front of Eucharist, taking turns incensing while walking backwards.
- Torch bearers flank Eucharist in a square; one at each corner.
- Umbrellino Bearer follows closely behind Eucharist holding the Umbrellino.
- Route:
- West down the main aisle, turn right.
- North along the back of the church, turn right.
- East along 66th St. to Rosary Altar.
Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament¶
Form up:
- Crucifer and Candle bearers go left in front of the first Station of the Cross painting and face inward.
- Religious, Clergy, and Schola Cantorum file into the Rosary Altar pews, Clergy and religious in front.
- Thurifers and Umbrellino Bearer go right and face in. Umbrellino Bearer sets down Umbrellino and prepares to receive Humeral Veil.
- Torch bearers kneel at the Rosary Altar rail, two on either side of the gate, and hold Torches.
- MC goes around and lights the red globe.
Tantum Ergo is sung.
- Umbrellino Bearer receives Humeral Veil.
- Thurifer 1 takes nearby Incense Boat and goes to Celebrant to impose incense.
- Celebrant incenses Eucharist.
- Thurifer retrieves Thurible.
- With the Celebrant, all stand, Genuflection#Solemn Genuflection, and process back to the Sacristy. This isn't a true procession, it's more of a dignified exit.
- Order:
- Thurifers 1 and 2
- Crucifer and Candle bearers
- All other Servers in pairs.
- The rest
- Route:
- South across front of church. Do not stop to reverence the Crossing Altar.
- Out the Lourde's Door
Observe absolute silence. Remove surplices. Take all candles and altar cloths in the church (except for the Rosary Altar), and place them in the Cloister Walk, labeling each with an index card. Roughly in order:
- Extinguish Crossing Altar candles, Sanctuary#Polychrome Candles, High Altar#Candles.
- Normal Mass cleanup.
- Remove altar cloths, altar crucifix, and candles.
- The linen on top of the Crossing Altar gets rolled up, not folded.
- Extinguish and remove every candle, altar cloth, and unveiled cross, crucifix, or statue in the entire church. Don't forget:
- Side altars/chapels.
- Rood screen candles
- Votive candles
- Unveil pulpit and high altar crosses.
The Roman Missal, p. 429, note 13; CotLY > p. 204. ↩↩
The Roman Missal, pgs. 430-436, note 17. ↩
The Roman Missal, pg. 437, note 35; CotLY > pp. 207. ↩