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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.



Up to eight servers:



At Saint Catherine of Siena Church.

Solemn Procession

The First Form of the Procession given in The Roman Missal is used.

Process out of the Sanctuary down the middle aisle to the back of the church where there is a lectern, not stopping to reverence. No incense is imposed before this procession.

Form up:

Blessing of Palms

Gospel, (Homily)

Universal Prayer


Procession Proper

Follow the police's instruction. Expected route:

  • Turn right to head West on 68th Street.
  • Turn left to head South on 1st Avenue.
  • Turn right to head West on 66th Street.
  • Turn left to enter SVF from entrance at corner of 66th Street and Lexington Avenue.
  • Wait in Narthex while procession catches up.
  • Cue: Schola Cantorum starts the first Introit.
  • Turn left to enter the main church, and go straight up the center aisle.

During the Procession, the Boat Bearer should assist the Thurifer in adding more incense as needed. The MC should relight the Processional Candles as needed.

Order of Mass

Entrance, Introit, Kyrie

After the Introit, there is a sung Kyrie in place of the Penitential Rite.


After sung Kyrie, Book Bearer bears the Missal.

Gospel, Homily, Credo, Universal Prayer, Offertory, Preface

Sanctus through Great Amen

Communion, Ablutions, Postcommunion Prayer, Dismissal

As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass.


  • As normal, empty-handed Servers carry palms.
  • Depart in silence; no Marian Antiphon.


As normal, except:


  1. If there is no Deacon, then they precede the Celebrant or Concelebrant, and there will be no blessing, as is typical at Mass