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The First Sunday of Lent

The Rite of Sending of Catechumens is allowed for the first Sunday of Lent, though we omit it1. Traditionally, our Parish does a #Litany of the Saints Procession on this Sunday.


Roman Rite Solemn Mass during Lent with:


As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:

Order of Mass


Use Procession#Short Cloister Walk Procession to Crossing Altar, do not wait for music change to enter the Sanctuary.

Reverence to the Altar

Special Collect

The Penitential Rite is omitted. Immediately following the #Reverence to the Altar, the Book Bearer holds the Missal for the Celebrant. When finished, he returns to his seat and deposits the Missal.

Litany of the Saints Procession

Immediately following the #Special Collect, the Procession starts:


A brief sung Kyrie will immediately follow the #Litany of the Saints Procession. All standby.


The usual [[Collect]] follows immediately after the Kyrie that ends the #Litany of the Saints Procession. The Book Bearer holds the Missal.

First Reading through Recession

As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass.

  1. If ever we wanted to reintroduce this rite, it would occur immediately following the Homily, and the [[Credo]] and [[Universal Prayer]] would be omitted.