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The Epiphany of the Lord.

Traditionally Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th, however, in the [[Archdiocese of New York]], it is celebrated on the first Sunday after Mary, Mother of God. It is a Dominican Custom to chant a [[Sequence]] before the [[Alleluia]]1. At our Parish we forgo this during the principal [[Roman Rite]] Mass, reserving it for the celebration of Epiphany in the [[Dominican Rite]].


#Three Kings Procession and Roman Rite Solemn Mass:



Order of Mass

Three Kings Procession

Mass is preceded by a Solemn Procession of the Three Kings Figurines to the manger scene.

Order of Mass

The remainder is as usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except: - All four Lucifers plant Torches during the Eucharistic Prayer. - The Schola Cantorum sings and additional hymn during the Ablutions. - A Christological hymn is sung in lieu of a Marian hymn after the Dismissal.