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02-02 - Candlemas

The Presentation of the Lord.


Roman Rite Solemn Mass, with:

When this feast falls on a Sunday, it supercedes the Sunday in Ordinary Time. When it falls on a weekday, we celebrate it at the Crossing Altar1. A [[Sequence]] is allowed before the [[Alleluia]]2 (a Dominican Custom), but we omit it.



Procession and Candle Blessing

Order of Mass

Reverence to the Altar through Universal Prayer

As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass, except:

  • Immediately after the Celebrant kisses the Altar, the MC assists him in removing his Cope and donning his Chasuble.
  • Then, the Thurifer assists with the incensation of the Altar as usual.
  • Penitential Rite and Kyrie are omitted; the Gloria immediately follows the incensation.
  • The Book Bearer holds the Missal for the Collect as usual.
  • All extinguish their Hand Candles after the Collect.
  • In lieu of (or possibly in addition to) the Universal Prayer, the Candlemas Novena Prayer is said.

Oblation of Candles

Cue: Candlemas Novena Prayer concludes.

Offertory through Dismissal

As usual for Roman Rite Solemn Mass. The Torch bearers and Thurifer must take around the candle oases during the Eucharistic Prayer.

  1. There are three non-Sunday Solemn Masses that are celebrated at the Crossing Altar, the other two being 12-25 - Christmas and Ash Wednesday. For Candlemas, this is done to facilitate the #Oblation of Candles

  2. New Priory Press Ordo 2024 > page 16