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Dominican Rite Solemn High Requiem Mass


Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass at the High Altar, with changes for a Mass for the Dead:

  • No incense during Mass.
  • There is no Gloria. The Chalice Stack is brought to the Altar at the start of Mass, rather than during the Gloria.
  • There is no Credo.
  • The priest does not give any blessings.

Typically, though optionally, Mass is followed by #Absolution at the Catafalque. If this is done:



As Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

Order of Mass


As normal for Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except the Subdeacon carries the Chalice Stack.


As normal for Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except the Subdeacon places the Chalice Stack on the Altar while the Acolytes drop their Processional Candles.

Introit, Kyrie, Collect

As normal for Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

  • There is no Gloria:
  • There are two pairs of Swing Movements to and from the Epistle-side Formation, one for the Introit/Kyrie and one for the Collect.
    • There is no option to sit for the sung Kyrie, so the Ministers remain on their steps, lined up in an East-West line square with the Epistle side of the High Altar.
  • The Collect happens as normal including the transition into the Priest's and People's Epistle.

Epistles and Private Gospel

The People's Epistle, Priest's Epistle, and Private Gospel are as at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass.

Chalice Preparation and Pre-Gospel

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

  • The water is not blessed, i.e. the Subdeacon doesn't say Benedicite and the JA does not respond Amen.
  • No incense is used, no Thurifer is present.
  • The Celebrant does not give a blessing to the Deacon.

Peoples' Gospel, Homily

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

Offertory Verse

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

  • If there was a Homily, Acolytes must stand, help Ministers stand, and lead Ministers to Approach Formation immediately following the Homily, since the Credo is omitted.


As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:


As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

  • No Preface Incensation.


As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

Epiclesis, Consecration

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

  • No incense is used, no Thurifer is present.

Pater Noster

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

Agnus Dei

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

  • Words are different:
    • Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecatta mundi, dona eis requiem.
    • Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecatta mundi, dona eis requiem.
    • Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecatta mundi, dona eis requiem sempiternam.
  • There is no kiss of peace / Pax Tablet.

Priest's, Choir's, and Peoples' Communion

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass.


As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

Communion Verse, Post-Communion Prayer, and Dismissal

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass, except:

  • There is no blessing for which to bow.

Last Gospel and Recession

As at Dominican Rite Solemn High Mass. No blessing is given to the Acolytes in the Sacristy after Mass.

Absolution at the Catafalque

This may be omitted entirely.

Vestment Change

Immediately following Mass, the Acolytes assist the Celebrant in removing his Chasuble and donning his Cope in the Sacristy.


The Celebrant enters the Sanctuary and preaches. The Servers standby in the Sacristy, or may discreetly sit in the Choir Stalls. All return to the Sacristy when the Homily is finished.


All process from the Lourde's Door to the foot of the Sanctuary by way of Procession#Short Cloister Walk Procession to Crossing Altar:

